Monday, October 27, 2008

I take Bribes!

Mr. W. knows I take bribes as my goals to get things done faster. Most people know I hate writing. I hate writing so much! I always complain why we have to write or huff off and avoid writing. I'm pretty good at letting Mr. W. talk and talk about any subject... because he does it himself. That way, he doesn't have to say the ugly words, "Write your paper." Or, "Work on your paper." 
When I was younger, I loved writing so much I wanted to become a writer. As I grew up, it was like a barrier started building without me knowing. I think one day I woke up and became aware I was struggling with writing. It's not like I'm bad at writing... it's just that writing my ideas on paper or typing my ideas is so hard. I always ask these dumb questions: How can I start my paper? Am I writing like back when I was in middle school? Is this sentence even makes sense? 
I'm also afraid to get help from teachers or an adult with my writing. I think I just want to be the best in writing.. I mean not being best of others.. but myself. 
But anyway... one time I broke down (literally) during Mr.'s writing class. I COULD NOT write or even think of what to write about. I was so worried about something I just didn't know. Then, Mr. did something I didn't realize. He bribed me. I don't exactly remember, but I only remember where I was writing and writing and writing until I got done with three papers for him. It only took few hours to get them done. 
After I turned them in.. He told me that I was a good writer.. I felt a little bit of confidence of my writing. But anyway... I take bribes easily.. unless it's about writing= )

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Monday, October 20, 2008

Important Someone

I have so many important something to everything in my life. My family is important, my friends, school, issues, and etc. One person who is very important to me is my dad. My dad is everything to me. I love him and I care for him. In some way he understands me quietly without saying anything. I could relate and understand him as well. I don't know why, but he and I are like brother and sister.. but his my father at the same time. It's silly to say that I hardly talk to him.. but I feel like I'm more accepted by him and I am with him. I love him so much. He cares for his family, friends, and his work. My younger sisters often say that I get more attention from my dad than my four other sisters... well until my little brother came long two years ago. I've went with him to Kuskokwim for king salmon couple years ago. He and I were the only ones in the boat. I helped him.. by driving. Just sitting there with him felt good. I felt great actually. I enjoyed it even he and I were just waiting quietly for the fish to come across our net. Having a dad like him, I wouldn't ask for another one to replace him. I love you dad! 

Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My mind is blank

I'm so hyper right now. I can't think of what to write about but say what I'm thinking probably. Or my fingers are doing the talking and not realizing it. I feel really sick right now. Well, I'm trying to make my day more livable. I can't stand being so bored right now. I don't want to have a crappy day. So, I'm making myself laugh.. I'm laughing at myself and with myself. Shucks. I'm being silly and enjoying my Tuesday evening. I know, at the end of this day... I'm going to be so grumpy and tired. 

Oh yeah.. my glasses makes me look like a total dork. I do not match my glasses.. yarr. I found out one of my contacts was torn. I hate wearing them and they are my biggest problem today! Ugh! I was wondering all this time why my left eye was irritating me. I don't like this. 
Anyway, I'm like writing about anything thats popping up my sickening brain. 
Last night, I had a fever and my body felt like it was in a boat in a storm. It sucked soo hard! I'm laughing today, and I feel sick and tired and sick. Darn. I hope I feel better before this weekend. 

Okay, okay. I'm hyper and can't stand but laugh for some reason. I'm smiling at the screen right now and thinking of all the funny things that happened. Like when I was a kid, I always used to sleep walk & talk. The only reason I did sleep walk was because I needed to use the restroom during the night. Ha, ha, ha! I was around 6-8 years old when that occurred often. It was like a desire or something. Silly to say, but true. One time, I was told by my sister, I was running without knowing. I ran back and forth at our old, little house. My sister was watching me. All of a sudden, I stood up on top of a chair that was just by her bed. She started laughing and told me to use the bathroom. I just starred at her blankly. Gosh, this thought is making me laugh so hard right now! Embarrassing thought! I was aware after when my mom led me to the bathroom and peed. How funny is that?

Anyway... I hope this blog is good enough!