Monday, December 10, 2007

You don't need to be perfect!

When it comes to boys... I need to be perfect on my make-up. Of course! I have to look decent. Not that I want all guys to like me the way I look.. 
Anyways, I need all my class grades to be A's. I can't help to get a B or a C in any of my classes. I want a perfect A. ONLY A's. I can't juggle with my grades since I don't want to screw up my graduation year next school year. Well.. I am a junior this year. I have a GPA of 4.0 average. I want to be proud of myself with my grades. Plus scholarships look for good grades and GPA, if I'm not wrong. 
Couple of weeks ago.. I finally got a B in Personal Life Skills class. I was upset with myself. As I read through my eligibility form.. there was a note from my teacher and it said "You don't always have to be perfect!" 
I realized then.. I'm so up tight with my grades this year and anxious about them. I seriously need to lighten up! Well.. two weeks ago was the first day of basketball practice and had morning practices with volleyball. 6:30 in the morning! 
Of course I'm worried about my grades and Oh well.. I guess I'm not perfect!

Monday, November 19, 2007

How do you work this?!

This is my first time getting a blogger. I don't know how to work this thing but I'm having fun. My question is why our teachers made us students sign on this page.. hmmmm. But I think it's better than "hoverspot," I don't have anything else to say.