I had an awesome Halloween this year.. one of the best too!! Friday after lunch.. most of the highschool girls were in the bathroom putting on make up to go trick-o-treating over at Akula. I had fake blood on my face.. blood streaming down my eyes, lips, and nose. It was just nasty. I also put on mascara and blinked as hard as I can. It seems like my face was smeared and like I've been crying. Thats all I did and went with Baby, Crazy, and Pink with a four-wheeler. HOLY crap, I was soo cold going over. So we all waited at the store (weird place to meet) for the other girls to start going house to house. I felt like I was back in middle school where we didn't care who was thinking we were too old to go out candy seeking. I had soo much fun!!!! When we started trick-o-treating we were all in a big group. Towards the middle of treating.. we were all spread. One funny thing was Pink and me went into those house and started running. We were so busy trying to hurry up to catch up with the other girls. We ran into this house and Pink recognized the rug we already have gone into.. I, on the other hand, recognized the same man. We both turned around and were so embarrassed. Takarnarqeq.. EMBARRASSING!
The next day on Nov. 1, all the high school students got the hunted hall way ready before seven in the evening. Well.. Finally everything was ready from all the work and we had to dress up. Our library was the exorcist room. I was made to use a little pink gown that sort of fit me like the exorcist. Bev put me on sickening green all over my face and black lines to show my wounds. It was awesome. Through out the haunted hall way.. I had soo much fun ... I wasn't really scary.. but enough to freak people out. I enjoyed my night.
The picture was after we were done with the haunted hall.
Eeeeee...I love your candy-seeking Halloween story. I'm glad your Halloween was a good one, Charlene. You were very creepy. ; )
I'm going to miss you so much next year. Too bad failing you in biology or computers wouldn't keep you from graduating...
: )
Elaii!! That night was so much fun...I wish it went on a little longer. Did you have fun in the library? I had fun of course..scaring little kids and even older people. LOL! They'd run out the door whenever I turned around in the wheel chair. We Rock!:)
sawp aan:P:)...
just thought i'd snoop around since tammy told us to comment on these blogs....
that night was fun eh? i didn't wanna work, but idk...just ended up working...plus u kept imuqing:P...u know what i mean..haha
k ttyl
:D Usneq Usuq!! i love your community and this one blog, that night was so much fun, but effreaking cold too! but still worth it. How speech? :P i love the community blog, i felt the same way. mmkay ah-doh-doh
EH aan and that someone was being dramatic about halloween thing and stuff. U know?
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