Anyways, I need all my class grades to be A's. I can't help to get a B or a C in any of my classes. I want a perfect A. ONLY A's. I can't juggle with my grades since I don't want to screw up my graduation year next school year. Well.. I am a junior this year. I have a GPA of 4.0 average. I want to be proud of myself with my grades. Plus scholarships look for good grades and GPA, if I'm not wrong.
Couple of weeks ago.. I finally got a B in Personal Life Skills class. I was upset with myself. As I read through my eligibility form.. there was a note from my teacher and it said "You don't always have to be perfect!"
I realized then.. I'm so up tight with my grades this year and anxious about them. I seriously need to lighten up! Well.. two weeks ago was the first day of basketball practice and had morning practices with volleyball. 6:30 in the morning!
Of course I'm worried about my grades and Oh well.. I guess I'm not perfect!
It's a good realization to come to. We don't always have to be perfect. :) If we let ourselves believe that then some of the pressure is off, which actually allows us to do better and feel better. I'm glad you're thinking about this.
I agree with Deanna - I'm glad you were thinking of this. Do you still think of it? Many of us have to learn this again and again (I do!). Maybe being "good" or "perfect" in life is something besides (and more than!) our grades. Maybe we can let that go. : )
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